One Lovely Blog Award.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

I was surprised to find that I had been nominated for another award: Thank you Ladreena J of Heartdreenie for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award

The guidelines are: 
  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
  • Add the One Lovely Blog Award logo to your post and/or blog.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 bloggers you admire and inform nominees by commenting on their blog. 

So, seven facts about me:

I | I grew up in South East London but am currently live in a village in TheMiddleOfNowhere, Belgium. I'm slowly plotting my return to civilisation. 

II| I bought my first concealer last year because until the Maybelline Fit Me Concealer came out, I'd never really seen affordable drugstore concealers in my shade. 

III | I am, and shall forever be, a massive Harry Potter fan. 

IV | The first blog I ever fell in love with and made me think 'that's what I want to do' was Susie Bubble of Style Bubble It was around the first time magazines began taking fashion bloggers seriously, and I love how much she, and the entire blogosphere, has grown over the years.

V | I love tea. And by "I love tea" I mean that on average I need to have ten different types of tea in the house or I am more than likely going to stare into the kitchen cupboards and say "we've run out of tea". 

VI | I hope to one day write for a living. I haven't figured out whether this will be because I'm a full-time blogger, a freelance content writer or a novelist (or all of the above) but I'm enjoying the journey towards figuring that out.

VII | In the meantime, I'm a law student. Whilst I don't think law is the career for me, I'd love to use the skills I've learnt to eventually help others by volunteering at a Citizen's Advice Bureau or helping immigrants and refugees understand their rights. 

I nominate:

Definitely check out Ladreena who nominated me and the other blogs I nominated. If these awards have made me realise anything it's that I don't spend enough time finding new blogs to read. 

Are there any blogs you think I should check out? How do you keep up with your blog reading? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for nominating me! These are really interesting facts, it's great to get to know you better!
    Hannah x

  3. Thank you for nominating me! These are really interesting facts, it's great to get to know you better!
    Hannah x

  4. Awesome to get to know you and really interesting facts. How cool you live in Belgium, I love that you love tea as much as I do, and that you dream of being a writer :) Thank you again for nominating me!

    1. You're welcome! And happy to find a fellow tea lover :) x

  5. thank you so much for nominating me lovely! Great facts as well :) xx

    1. You're welcome! :) I look forward to having a nosey at your fact x

  6. thank you so much for nominating me!

  7. Thank you for nominating me lovely :) x
