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Ornella. Twenty-something.
Currently Belgium-based, UK-bound in the near future. 

EUHNELLA is the corner of the internet where I decided to set up shop to bring you my thoughts on beauty and lifestyle. You can expect product reviews on make-up, skincare, body care and hair care - basically all things beauty - alongside reflective posts on all sorts of things from productivity to personal development.

I am also an avid reader and tea drinker, so expect the occasional posts on those.

Through my blog I hope to uncover the best version of me in hopes of inspiring others to become the best them. Or find a lipstick that makes them insanely happy. Those are things of equal importance.

For any queries, feel free to contact me:

You can also find me on most social media with the handle: @euhnella


All items that are marked with (*) have either been sent to me or gifted by a PR company or brand. I will always give my honest opinion and only accept to write about items that are of genuine interest to me, something I would buy with my own money and are in keeping with my blog.

All other items not marked with a (*) were purchased with my own money.

I occasionally use stock photos alongside my posts, or images that fall under the Creative Commons Licence. Attribution to the photographer has been given where appropriate. All posts in which I review a product (they're typically all the posts that fall under the beauty category) use my own photos. Please do not use them without permission if you somehow feel inclined to do so.