Friday, 20 February 2015

"I need to get my sh*t together" is a recurring thought for me. 

I am amongst the horde of twentysomethings that are paralysed into inaction due to living in a society that tells you that you're still young but that everyone your age and under has already got it figured out; that makes it acceptable to watch binge-watch television series whilst also expecting you to magic out hours of productivity in the same 24 hour day; that tells you that the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world are rare unicorns but then demands to know why you're not like him, or even a fraction like him and his ilk. And when your answer is 'I don't know why I'm not on route to becoming a bajilionnaire by age 30' they have a whole range of products, advice and tips that will lead you there. That is if you're not too busy procrastinating. 

Let's face it, having your sh*t together is an art form. 

And as with all art forms, some people are born with a nature inclination towards it whilst others have to work hard to get there. And in the category of those who have to work hard to get there, there are those who, like me, didn't realise that hard work was involved. I think in the back of my mind I always assumed that when I reached 18, at which most government starts considering you an adult, I'd be handed a manual that had some sort of guideline entitled, maybe 'The basics of being an adult: how to pretend you know stuff because you are old". At age 21, there was still no guideline. As age 26 arrives with increasing rapidity, at which point no one anywhere ever will every again consider me anything but an adult, I realise that if I am going to get my sh*t together, I am going to have to work hard and figure out what it means myself.

What does having your sh*t together even mean? 

The first thought that comes to mind is: Beyoncé. There is a woman who seems to have her sh*t together: someone whose blossomed since her Destiny Child's days, a career that has yet to need a "comeback" which she juggles alongside being a (seemingly) lovely human being, mother and wife, and spawned a saying on a mug that I desperately want to get my hands on: "You have as many hours in the day as Beyoncé". 

craftsbychristii - AvenueBlue

I love this because it can mean so many different things to different people. You might scoff at it because obviously Beyoncé hours and "normal hours" aren't the same thing since normal hours don't include personal assistants, nannies, housekeepers and people to do the mundane things that might distract you from working on your passions. Just like you might point out that no one has their sh*t together - that we're just projecting our own image of "togetherness" onto people who have the qualities we deep down aspire to.

Alternatively, you might see it as a reminder that Beyoncé is also a human being, but ever single day she has used the 24 hours she was given to give her all, and over time this persistent effort her got her to where she is - and keeps her there. I don't think you reach Beyoncé status by only giving a half-hearted attempt. To me that means that you reach Beyoncé status when you give your personal all - only you can measure how much you're giving. I think that once you have your sh*t together, you stop looking at Beyoncé in awe and wpnder, as a motivational person to aspire to - when you have your sh*t together, you raise that mug up high in salute because you know that feel: your 24 hours are pretty much as you want them to be

So I am going to get my sh*t together. I might also buy a mug or a motivational print, but mainly I am going to share with you my thoughts, tips, and advice as I force myself to bracing the cold reality of life: no one can give me the life I dream of except me. The only way that one day I am going to wake up and think "I have my sh*t together" is that I work at it, and work hard. 

I'm never going to be Beyoncé, but nothing, except me, stops me from being as good as.

What do you think? What does having your sh*t together mean to you? 


  1. I absolutely loved this post... The fact that you think like that shows that your shit is already more "together" than most people's (

    Have a lovely day,


    1. Thank you! I think realising you need to get your sh*t together probably *is* the first step to getting there - now comes the hard work of actually getting all together. Or really figuring out what it all means.

      Thank you for stopping by :) x

  2. This is a great post! Can't wait to see more of them. I think 'having your sh*t together' means you actually what to do with your life and have a major plan already set out. The type of people that know what career they want to be doing in 10 years time.

    1. Thank you! And I get what you mean. I really wish there was a class in school, sandwiched between maths and english on figuring out what to you *actually* want to do with your life and not what you *think* you should do, because those two often turn out to be completely different things. x

  3. I completely agree, this is a really interesting topic! There is far too much pressure on everyone these days to know what they're doing and where they're going, but I think as long as we're content with where we are I think that's all that should matter!
    Hannah x

  4. I completely agree, this is a really interesting topic! There is far too much pressure on everyone these days to know what they're doing and where they're going, but I think as long as we're content with where we are I think that's all that should matter!
    Hannah x

    1. Sometimes I think there's even pressure to be content with where you are, which seems silly (my Mum likes to tell me that I add unnecessary pressure on myself like it's a hobby) but like I feel that with every single thing you do, you have to have it figured out, or at least look like you do x
