Things I Learnt From My Unofficial Blogmas

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas! I hope you had a lovely day, however you celebrate the day. As I'm sat in festive pyjamas, admiring my gifts from Santa and recovering from the festivities (eating your body weight in food does tend to affect mobility), I'm also reflecting on how my unofficial blogmas went and what lessons I can learn from it. For those who are unfamiliar with it, blogmas, similar to vlogmas over on Youtube though perhaps not as popular, is where you blog every day in December on the run up to Christmas. However, since I wasn't sure whether I would manage it, I didn't announce my intentions and so consider it to have been more of an "unofficial Blogmas". 

Here are some of the things I learn; 

Blogging every day is hard...and very easy to give up on.

I have a newfound admiration for bloggers who blog every day (especially those who also juggle it with a full-time job). It's hard enough to blog 3-4 times a week, let alone finding time to write posts for every day of the week, capture and edit the accompanying photos, publish (or schedule) the posts and then share them on your social media platforms. It is much easier to give into the snooze button, procrastination and promise yourself that you'll update your blog another day.

There is much more to blogging than content.

Of course content is important as it's what usually keeps readers in your blog, but it's not the only thing that makes a blog. I realised that the appearance of your blog is important, such as your layout and the images that accompany your posts, especially if you're a beauty or lifestyle blogger. Social media in some shape or form has also became vital for sharing your content, but mostly so you can also interact with other bloggers. Other than social media, reading other blogs, leaving comments and gaining inspiration comes with being blogger, and despite how hard we might wish it (and try), we can't do all these things at the same time. So it's pretty difficult to find the time. Every day. 

It often feels like a juggling act. Planning is key. 

We have a set number of hours to get everything done in a day, and it's surprisingly difficult to maximise those hours, especially if you're not blessed with natural organisational skills. Luckily I've recently started actively improving my organisational skills and so found a way to plan all the posts for the month. At the beginning of the week I'd review them and write out a checklist of pictures that needed taking, and then do a quick daily to-do list so that I was always reminded to blog at some point. I don't think I'd have managed blogmas without planning. 

You can't always make make blogging a priority. You, on the other hand, are always a priority.

It's very easy to put pressure on yourself, especially when you're passionate about something and want to do well. There were two days where I didn't post anything because I wasn't feeling well, and it took quite a bit of self-comfort to remind myself that it wasn't the end of the world. There are some days where you just can't blog for a multitude of reasons, and that is absolutely okay. 

Blogging is worth every bit of effort.

Blogging every day confirmed that it's something that I would happily do every day for every day of the year if I had the opportunity. Updating this blog was a moment of my day that I truly enjoyed and never approached as if it was a chore. Perhaps that's why I decided to do an unofficial blogmas first, to be sure that blogging is something that I really want to do. I already knew that I want to eventually regularly create written content for a living, and now I know that this blog is most definitely the first step in the right direction - blogmas confirmed that. 

How do you feel about blogging every day? Do you/could you/would you want to do it? 


  1. I always though trying to blog daily throughout December just pure hell. But kudos to anyone who even attempted it!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    1. It wasn't actually that bad! I think vloggers who do vlogmas and vlogtober are even crazier. I don't even think I could make a video once a month let alone once a day! But it's interesting to watch so I'm glad they do it! x
